Stephen's Epiphany, 2023

Stephen's Epiphany, 2023
Acrylics, charcoal on canvas
48 x 48 x 3/4 in

Stephen’s Epiphany is an expression of an individual journey of the self. Through the use of acrylics and charcoal on canvas, themes explored resonate with the transformative moments we experience in life.

Layers of markings and scrapings create a textured and nuanced composition. Various tools are employed, such as brushes, sponges, and scraping tools, to convey the complexity and depth of the idea. The colour fields present in crimson, dove grey, golden yellow, maroon, and mauve evoke emotional and symbolic elements associated with our own growth and realisation.

As the viewer gazes upon the image, one encounters scribbles and fragments of words like "dog, bone, bog, stone." These fragmented elements mirror the stream of our consciousness, capturing the fleeting and evolving nature of our thoughts and perceptions.

Within the painting, poured paint and flecks of vibrant colours like cadmium red, azure, ultramarine black, and titanium white traverse the ‘memoryscape’. It represents our awakening to our own individuality and our decision to break free from societal constraints.


Like whispers from forgotten days, memories flicker in the corridors of my thoughts, 2023


Reverie, 2023